PLEND Archive reports Financial Statements We act We think We advise
We act
We think
We advise

We act for the region

Because we want to grow together. We create a heat network of connections. The network connecting us with subsequent residents, institutions and business. The network which constantly grows in all directions. Continuously and reliably.

100 000 000

PLN for development

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400 000

of residents

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meters under the Tricity Bypass

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17 700

tons of CO2 less

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We act for the innovativeness

The world is going forward. The needs of our clients are constantly changing. We keep up with them, we even try to outrun them. Heat engineering is also changing. It is no longer just heat.

200 000

square meters

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We operate further and further

We are going ahead. We seek new markets. We send our heat further and further. To consecutive buildings. Houses. Families. We want to do our best. And be everywhere where we are needed.


buildings in Pelplin

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See how we think
See how we advise